Staatsgalerie Stuttgart #myMuseum


The Staatgalerie Stuttgart is an Art Museum which belongs to the federal state of Baden-Württemberg and has a collection of 5000 paintings, graphics and sculptures whose history dates back to the 18th century. On the occasion of the 175th anniversary the Staatsgalerie presents the eventful history of the house and its collection by the example of important milestones. The resilience of the Institution at times of struggle during all times forms the hub of the exhibtion. Therefore Klangerfinder conceptualized and implemented a Media Guide , which can replay two sound levels via a QR-Code scan – atmospheric surround sound as well as voice contributions., which reflect and explain the different exhibits.


Services: Conception and technical development of the App: Klangerfinder GmbH & Co KG, Sound Collages in cooperation with students of the course of studies of the ‚Musikdesign der staatlichen Hochschule für Musik in Trossingen’


Client: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart